With my childish naivety I supposed that as the end of the schoolyear approches I'll have less and less to do. But it have not been so.You can see it, since about a month haven't writen. I have yet bad temper but it isn't related to the things mentioned above. Unfortunatly there are more other things annoying me.First I have to talk about some family-affairs although I am not sure it would be polite ore gentlemanlike to share them. It about the parents of my wive. It is quite painful how the stinky and outworn habits and ways of thinking ruled my country between the two worldwars survive and grow and demolish our social life nowadays, and all shit concentrated in the life and problems of my mother-in-low and father-in-low.Their parents and belonge to the higher tenthousend.One came from a noble strain the other from a rich german merchant family.Both are infected with the most malicious thoughts ever existed, racisme, antisemitisme, hate and disdain against the poor and the intellektuels, although my wive's father is engineer, moreover a very talanted and creativ one.Dispite his profession he is involved in right-extremist motions, sticks racist propaganda on the train, throwes eggs on peaple whom thought they are homosexual, prepare himself for execution of all communist and liberarian, jewish, gipsy etc.I am angry and very anxious for my children, becouse such thoughts are very contagious for young man.The fact that they doesn't appreciate me, my job/I'm university professor/, my kids I couldn't care, if I had not seen how high is the respect of my arabian brother-in-low, wo is a real criminal, islamic fundamentalist, brutal ox.It is true, with me one can not hate and chide jewish. My mother-in-low is another case. She is so stupid and illitzerate, but thinks she have the right to involve herself in our life. She have not been working for more then 15 years, hipochondric, latent drinker.Do not think, I am speeking about them behinde the back of my wive, she faced and realized the things, we use to speak about, however, they are her parents, it is not to easy to bear it. Since my wive works often on weekend her mother dicided to help us. In fact that means she comes, invade the kitchen and order all of us what to do, how to do, when to do. And mostly that time we have to be together finaly and does not need her help at all. Beside that I am not the gay, or sort of either who tolerate this kind of "help". Morning she gona come again. I am loading the gun.....
az elmúlt három év I.
11 years ago
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