Saturday, 17 April 2010

Hi, Friends!
After stormy, windy, rainy days the spring knoking on the door, finally! A lot of things happened. I sung as a soloist in a performance again. My contract was renewed at the uni with the condition, that i finish my DLA till 2011. One hand it's fine, other hand let me consider whether I want to be a good citizen, good father, university professor, or remain a good fellow, hobo, hippy, vagabound. Telling the truth, withouth my stormy relationship with Britannia, the whole thing would have been resolved, but I, stupid jerk hade shit it. Despite that it seems to be a new chance and I am going to catch it.
I am not convinced that tha DLA will ever help me in my work, but I must admit, I love my work, allthough the last few years I had less succes as use to. Somtime I wanted to finish with the music as a profession. The turning point was the concert in december last year. Not even me myself but the circumstancies were changed. And the blog is a very important element of this change, I think, reeding and wrinting again, playing cello, the orchestration, my friend, each has his part in my menthal resurrection.So, Friends, Sitting Bull is reigns again!!!!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

I need some new inspiration

Hi, Friends!

I have this week off. Of course there is lot off to do, I have to prepair my jobs for the following months, sort out my notes staying in big piles on my piano, even I know what each one contains off, meet friends, let my hair cut, not too short, but some shorter. The point is, I have absolutely no inspiration. A week before Eastern I had a bad concert with the femal choir, worth than ever. There is nobody to blame for, the circumstainces was wrong, lot of rehearsals falled out, beside that I was exhausted. Allthough we normalize our relationship, there are still differencies between my wife and me. Earlier the trips abroad broght me allways new inspiration, and that's what i need now, so I am going to make some steps forward, call people, write mails, develop new projects. I hope first we go to Transilvania in july, than my argentinian friend is expected to come in august, in november Germany and finaly /may be/ Argentina spring of 2011. So, lets start right now, boy!!!!!

Monday, 29 March 2010

Hi, Friends!

I am here again.I know, I have to clear why and how, but not now, ok? So, the story I am going to tell You is, I played concert with my son, we performed Vivaldi's doble concert than with other peole Popper's Requeiem. I feel so good after a long time. Cello is my first and only love, I think. Although my son want to finish playing cello he was so good. He is gifted, no doubt. But more interested in skateboarding. Beside that I have to tell you, that I played orgue at the mass on Sunday. It was the second time I was invited. As you know, last sunday was Palm Sunday. Since I knew to the liturgia of that day belongs the consecration of the palms I went to the Vir Reverendissimus to ask him, wich form of that will be performed. He was very busy, I could't not finde out his idea, He just reached out his hand showing with the fingers on a stain of the book with red cover and a wrinting Holy Week. I thought, shit, there are tree forms, let we see.....I have got the book with the red cover too. Finally came the sunday and I noticed, that the procession form is going to be performed. I started the obligatory chant and the Vir Reverendissimus and his assistentia moved toword the gate. By the time he got there where I was staying suddenly picked out the red book from my hand saying, this stupid sacrist had forgotten to put his exemplar on the ambo. Hmmm, although I knew the order of steps I could not sing all the verses of the chants. So, my friend, I said to myself, let the old ladies to sing. And so did I, with a face of an icon from the middle age. After the consecration one of the ladies followed me to the orgue and offred her hundred year's experience in liturgia what I rejected very politely. She kept on dreading till I shouted an amen answering to text of the Vir Reverendissimus, whose words could be realized only with the long distance special surveillance equipments of the cold war.Than she started to smile hearing my tractus, the solo psalm recital. After the mass some peole came to me saying my performace was fine, among them this certain lady. Than my mother-in-low told me, that she was married three times and beside that ones fellt in love with my wife's grandfather, that's why he wanted to leave the grandmother. She is always the first in the churche, praying with eyes turned to the sky, obviously have a lot of to confess.