Hi, Friends!
I have this week off. Of course there is lot off to do, I have to prepair my jobs for the following months, sort out my notes staying in big piles on my piano, even I know what each one contains off, meet friends, let my hair cut, not too short, but some shorter. The point is, I have absolutely no inspiration. A week before Eastern I had a bad concert with the femal choir, worth than ever. There is nobody to blame for, the circumstainces was wrong, lot of rehearsals falled out, beside that I was exhausted. Allthough we normalize our relationship, there are still differencies between my wife and me. Earlier the trips abroad broght me allways new inspiration, and that's what i need now, so I am going to make some steps forward, call people, write mails, develop new projects. I hope first we go to Transilvania in july, than my argentinian friend is expected to come in august, in november Germany and finaly /may be/ Argentina spring of 2011. So, lets start right now, boy!!!!!
az elmúlt három év I.
11 years ago
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